20 March 2014

The Time In Between Here And There

     As of late yesterday afternoon, I am completely moved out of my apartment and living in a state of semi-organized limbo. Moving day was surprisingly simple and uncomplicated and for this, I am extremely grateful. Of course, the most difficult part was probably the moving of my very infamous desk (infamous amongst my family members, at least). This wonderful, sturdy and incredibly heavy desk was being given away by a neighbor several years ago and has served me well ever since. The one problem being that I have moved quite a lot these past few years so, various close family members have had the misery of aiding me in moving the traveling desk from Jersey to New York to Pennsylvania and then back to Jersey (where it moved twice). Yesterday, the desk made one more move out of my central Jersey apartment and into a bedroom at my parents' house where it will live in the Poconos for the foreseeable future. It will be missed in Poland. The frequent moving of the traveling desk has become so comically loathsome that one of my brothers has requested a family bonfire in the future in which this desk is used for kindling. We'll see about that (as if a day will ever come where I will be ready to discard this wonderful piece of furniture). 
     Even though all this moving around has felt overwhelming on occasion, it has always been with the purpose of taking the next step in my faith journey and figuring out this whole life-thing. It's been nice to look back and see how God has been weaving an overarching story amidst all the changes and transition. This move from New Jersey to Warsaw has actually been a little different from each of my past moves in that I have had almost continuous peace throughout the whole process. I know God has used past transitions to help prepare me for this one. I am starting to feel as though I am a bit of an expert when it comes to moving, but that's great because it will make the flight landing and setting up next week a lot easier. It's not that I don't anticipate struggles or stressful moments, it's more that God has brought me through so much that I have slowly learned a bit of just how much He can be trusted if I just take a deep breath and rely on His leading and protection.
     The time between making the final decision about teaching in Poland to the day my flight takes off has only been about six weeks. Somehow, this transition has not felt too rushed and I am so grateful to have spent some precious time with several friends and family members (even a few who live 4hrs away!). God has blessed these weeks with so much joy and new memories with those I love. One of my very favorite of these times was one last big fun day I planned for one of my nieces (my other two nieces live far away). I count it as quite a successful day as we had so much fun and so many laughs. Yes, I don't think my niece will ever forget the day we braved the beach in March and it was so windy, she had to keep hiding against me to avoid the blowing sand from stinging her face and eyes. The perfect day. In all seriousness, each of the days/evenings spent with family and friends during this time has felt like extra gifts of grace.

     The next few days will be doubtless be full of lots of laundry, organizing and attempting to squeeze as many books as possible into my luggage. The pile I already have is making me a little nervous (but how can I leave them behind when spring is coming and there is reading to be done outside?). Thank you to each of you reading this for all the love and support you've offered along the way. All of you have helped me through this time in your own unique way. I am so grateful for the part you've each played in these last six weeks. I feel very blessed.


  1. little miss world traveler, you should probably consider getting a kindle (or something of the sort) and then you can have all the books you want with you :)

    1. I know, I know, but I am one who loves the feel and smell of the paper in my hands. Not quite ready to go full-on tech ;)
