I grew up in a small town near the coast in New Jersey called Point
Pleasant (the Boro, not the Beach). It's a place where, whether in the
ocean or your backyard pool, you learn to swim almost before you can
walk (though I was a bit of a late bloomer with this). It's also a place where crabbing, boarding and carefully navigating pebble-filled sand
in bare-feet are normal life skills and sarcasm is basically the first
taught language. It's close enough to the city to enjoy Manhattan, but far enough to
have clean beach water in which to spend your summer living. Most
people have a dog, a bike, play soccer and if you're not Italian, Polish
or Irish in some way, your next-door neighbor surely is. In spring,
summer and early autumn the air smells of grills, hot pavement, suntan
lotion, cigarettes and salt air. Some things, of course, have started to
change with time, but maybe because I don't reside here anymore, for me
the core is always the same. We're loud, suburban, family-oriented and
have dry orange skin. It's wonderful, really.
My favorite place on the planet lays just a mile from my hometown
and is actually where our main street ends. If you're on Bridge Ave,
just keep heading east until the earth ends and the sea begins and
you'll find the beach at Bay Head. It is somehow always beautiful here,
even when it's storming. It's quiet and peaceful and you feel so close
to who you really are and who the Creator is that it might actually be
the best place for thinking on the planet.
I often feel the need to come back here when life is sifting and scenes are changing or moving on. It's where I let God remind me who I am and who He has called me to be. It's where I can breathe a deep sigh of relief and lay myself back into His hands, because in this place, for me, His love is so generous and so strong and so obvious.
I am thankful for this life He's given me, as ever changing and at times, confusing, it may be. It's His story over my life and that's the only story I'm truly interested in living. I'm also so thankful for warm and sunny April afternoons where life seems quiet and all is well, even if just for a moment. Today reminded me of the firm foundation I am building upon and what else could I ask for, really?
Oh, this makes my heart ache so! There's just something about growing up at the shore! No matter where you go in life, you will always have the longings. The heart will call home to the shore!